Your Passage of Time Will be Cut in Half, so When You Returned to Earth, Your Loved-Ones’ Time Would Have Passed Twice as Much as You!
The distance to our nearest star apart from the Sun – Proxima Centauri – is so far, it has to be measured not in meters or kilometers but in the time light travels from Proxima Centauri to our eyes – which is 4.246 light years; and when we consider that a light year is 5.88 trillion miles, that’s a staggering distance; even travelling at a speed of our fastest technology we have manged to build called Parker Solar Probe which can reach 394,726 miles an hour or 635,266 kilometers an hour – which is still just under 1 % the speed of light, it would still take us millions of years – far beyond the lifespan of many today who manage to live beyond 90 years!
I am a writer if sci-fi books, and I like to write books which include real life science. My name is Chris Briscoe, and I have started a series about Dean Whiz, the whizz scientist, who, even though he’s eighteen, he has an uncanny grasp on the mysteries of quantum-physics, which scientists call quantum-mechanics because of the way they break the laws of our universe; and Whiz’s intuition is telling him that he could manipulate those “super-powers” of the quantum world in the Fifth Dimension to enhance our Fourth Dimension.
I have just launched my latest Sc-Fi book on Whiz, the Whiz Scientist journeying to Proxima Centauri attempting to reach 86 % the speed of light because you would need to go at that speed to cut your time in half. Otherwise, it would take us normally at less than 1 % the speed of light millions of years to reach our neighbouring galaxy Andromeda to visit our nearest star and one of its Exoplanets, Proxima Centauri “b”. Whiz is attempting to visit the nearest star to us – apart from the Sun – called Proxima Centauri.
So as you can see, exceeding even one percent the speed of light is extremely difficult. In this book Whiz, the Whizz scientist attempts to do just that.
Here’s Whiz writing in his Diary:
If all goes well, I am trying to complete the journey to Proxima Centauri in under six months!
This is me – Dean Whiz, who my friends call me Whiz because I spend most of my time in my laboratory finding ways to extract the quantum “super-powers” from the atom in its subatom – so for me, IT’S NOT THE MIGHTY ATOM I AM PURSUING BUT THE MIGHTY SUBATOM!~
But why?
Because I am trying to utilise the quantum power of the speed of light – at least 86 % the speed of light; I want to cut the passage of my time in half so I need to go at least 86 % the soeed of light; in my starship I wouldn’t notice that change in my time progress, bit until I returned home and noticed how my lived-ones had aged twice as much as me!
So I have built for myself a very unusual elevatir which doesn’t just go up or down but in any direction I want it to; I have named it “Quantumvator” because it uses quantum-mechanics” to propel itself, which I call, “quantum-superpowers.” I intend to use it to attempt to reach 86 % the speed of light.
But what are Quantum-Superpowers?
I am interested in what I call “quantum super-powers”, which the science world calls “quantum mechanics” because of the weird way those particles-waves in atoms and outside atoms move; inside an atom there are subatomic “quantum-superpowers”. I am convinced that within our atom those quantum “superpowers” could be utilised to reach speeds that can take us out of our Solar System and to visit other Solar Systems within our life-duration or within the 100 years which seems to be the ballpark number of years which many people expect to live to.
To propel us out of the Earth’s atmosphere and gravity as well as the Sun’s gravity and our Milky Way’s gravity to explore our neighbouring galaxy called Andromeda and its nearest star to us which is Proxima Centauri, a red dwarf star located at 4.24 light years way, much closer than the third closest star to us which is Alpha Centauri at 4.36 light years away.
But in order to do that we have to escape the gravity of Earth i.e. the escape velocity, and the escape-velocity of the Sun, and the escape-velocity of our galaxy called the Milky Way; but I’m also using the gravity-pull of the Sun to accelerate my space-elevator to 10 % the speed of light. I am trying to find ways of harnessing the power of the photon – i.e. the wave-particle which carries light because I believe that it could propel me past 1 percent the speed of light; if I could do that, then I would be breaking all records since the fastest vessel or spacecraft mankind has managed to launch so far, which is called “Parker Solar Probe” from NASA can go at a speed of 394,736 miles per hour which is 635,266 kilometers per hour – yet still relatively slow compared to the speed of light, since it is still less than 1 percent of light speed.
A spaceship travelling at 20% of the speed of light would take 21.25 years to get there, assuming a very quick acceleration time. But I’m not building a spaceship but rather a starship!
IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHETHER WHIZ IS SUCCESSFUL AT REACHING OVER 1 % THE SPEED OF LIGHT, PLEASE CATCH MY BOOK! It’s called “Quantumvator 1, The First Amazing Advenrure of Whiz in his Space-Time Elevator”
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