The Adventures of Jack Getting His Teeth into Idioms

Do you enjoy reading about when youngsters or anyone gets the wrong end of the stick with their English words, or in this case a young boy called Jack who is cutting his teeth on idioms. Jack hasn’t yet reached his tenth birthday so he is still “cutting his teeth” on Idioms. So as you can read from this book, Jack “gets himself into a real pickle” with the quirks of English, namely idioms; so young children in their elementary years of school can learn alot from this book, while the rest of us can be entertained by this book, if not, educated.

Jack, like every young boy or girl on a journey into adulthood, is making some major adjustments, including learning new words and new idioms; and he is learning that idioms are tricky because they are like an entire new language since all idioms contain code that you need to learn what they mean rather than taking them at face-value; otherwise,some of those adjustments can be shocking in nature, especially if idioms are involved, and just like Jack, you can be “up the creek without a paddle”. So it’s useful to have a book like this where you can learn about English while having fun, especially since there is an estimated 25,000 idioms in the English language!

Chris Briscoe’s Latest Book on Idioms which you probably will find hilarious

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