Do you like reading Sci-Fi Romance books about an 18-year-old whose pursuit of his lover is rebuffed so he turns to science?

Do you know that you can slow your Time Down as you speed up ? It’s called Time-Dilation.

This book is about a teenager Scientist called Dean Whizz whose nickname is Whiz – who is head-over-heels with a girl from the year below him at college – called Precious – and college for him means the school between secondary-school (highschool) and University. He observes her from a distance, then one day spills his heart to her; but Precious rebuffs his advances on the premise that he is too old for her – by two years.

Whiz is disappointed but turns to science for help, namely one of the laws of Special Relativity, which says you can slow down your passage of time through your speed. So he builds a new kind of elevator which doesn’t just go up and down, but in any direction you like – and even compete with the speed of light – he names it Quantumvator as its works by Quantum elevation. And Whiz knows that in order to bridge the two year gap between him and Precious, he would need to go at least 86 % the speed of light, for at that speed his time on his Space-Time Elevator would be passing at half the rate to Precious’ time on Earth

But if his mission is successful, what happens when Precious sees his age and her age have now been bridged; WILL SHE NOW FALL HEAD-OVER-HIGH-HEELS IN LOVE WITH HIM?

Here is more on this book – how this book is based on REAL-SCIENCE.

Dear Lovelies, If you don’t mind, I would like to share with you my latest Sci-Fi Book.

Do you know that you can slow your Time Down as you speed up ? It’s called Time-Dilation.

It’s not Science-Fiction, it’s pure science — and there’s even an equation that goes with it, which is pretty simple, yet, profound because it could take you a lifetime thinking about the repercussions of such an equation:

Your Passage Through Space +

Your Passage Through Time =

The Speed of Light in a Vacuum.

And that word Vacuum, doesn’t complicate the equation — it just means when light moves through space unhindered by anything such as mass or the debris of space.

Anyway, if you think about the above equation, it means whatever speed you are proceeding through space — including your common-garden snail 🐌, even at his pace, the hands on his watch — if he possessed a two-handed watch or clock — would still slow down more and more the faster he proceeded, including one millimeter per hour, and less; but if his journey was all through space, and none through time, then he would be going at the speed of light, and his journey would be instantaneous since he would no longer experience time anymore — just as photons of light do not experience time, and their journey, therefore, is always instantaneous!

On the other hand, if that snail 🐌 was stationary, then, we can say that all his journey is now through time and none through space, until he starts to move — the second he moves, to compensate for that movement through space, his time begins to slow, because those two combined amounts of time and space must always equal the speed of light; they must always be in a state of equilibrium to the speed of light, so that’s why the faster you move through space, the slower your time moves.

Imagine if you went on a journey to the nearest star to Earth – apart from the Sun – which is Proxima Centauri that is located at 4.246 lightyears away. Now if we could travel at 99.9999999% the speed of light, if we wanted to know how much time it would take to reach Proxima Centauri for our loved-ones waiting for us if going at 99.9999999% the speed of light:

Well, we know that if we travelled at 100% the speed of light, it would take 4.246 light years to reach Proxima Centauri for our loved-ones waiting; but since it’s impossible to travel at the speed of light unless we went quantum, then we need to input into our calculator:

4.246 ÷ 0.9999999 = 4.2460004246 light years when going at 99.9999999% the speed of light.

So, our loved-ones would have to wait 4 years and two or three months for us to reach Proxima Centauri. But how long would it take you in your starship?

Well, we need to find out how much our time slowed down; and to get that figure, I inputted into my computer to get the time-dilation figure:

So, if I went at 99.9999999 % the speed of light, then my time would slow to 0.004472135891759257 % of its Earthly time, thus, how many days would it take me on my starship to reach Proxima Centauri of 41,343,000,000,000 kilometers?

I have to multiply 0.004472135891759257 x 4.246 = 0.01898868899 Which in Earth Days is: 0.01898868899 x 365.25 = 6.9356186536, so, between 6 and 7 days to reach Proxima Centauri which is around 41,000,000,000,000 meters away.”

And the equation for the calculation we have just done is BY: Multipling the Earth Time “t” by the relativity factor “f” to get to the starship’s time. So it would take me in the Earth time 4.2460000042459995 years multiply by how long in my starship which is 0.004472135891759257 i.e. 4.2460000042459995 years × 0.004472135891759257 years = 0.0189886852 of a year.

So going at the speed of light, your loved-ones on Earth would have to wait 4.2460000042459995 light years, but for me in my starship, it would take just 0.018988689015398498 of a year; so, since there are 365.25 days in a year which works out at 0.0189886852 × 365.25 = 4.2460000042459995 years

Multiply by 0.00018988689015398498 years = 0.0189886852 of a year. “Therefore, to calculate how many days that is in my starship, I multiplied the 0.0189886852 by 365.25 Thus, 0.0189886852 x 365.25 = 6.9356172693 = the number of days to reach Proxima Centauri star, so it would take me between 6 and 7 days to reach Proxima Centauri going at 99.9999999 % the speed of light. Or exactly, 6.93 days.

But look how much time it would have taken my loved-ones on Earth to wait for my journey to finish? My journey out to the Proxima Centauri took me 7 days but they had to wait 4 years and 4 months, so a round-trip would be at least 8 ½ years, but for me around two weeks; of course, in real life, as a almost-faster-than-light pilot, I would have to take in consideration and build the technology to both accelerate to 99.9999999 and decelerate from 99.9999999 % the speed of light.

Plug in u = 0.999999999c and you get a Lorentz factor of 22360.68, so for each second that passes for you in your space ship, 22360.68 seconds will pass on Earth, which is a little over 6 hours.

If I traveled at 99.99% of the speed of light, how far would I travel in 1 year (1 year from my perspective)?
If you traveled for 1 year at 99.99% of the speed of light, you would travel 70.705 light years.

The journey would take 70.712 years, but, because clocks slow down when they move faster, only 1 year will pass according to your clock. You will also only age 1 year during that journey. Instead of taking over 70 years, time dilation results in the journey being “duration contracted” to just 1 year, from your perspective.

Remember, clocks tick at different speeds, depending on how fast they are moving, but we can measure a year, in 2 different ways. One way is counting 364.25 by 24 hours on a clock. The second is by counting time it takes for the earth to orbit the sun, once.

For your 1 year (clock method) the earth orbits the sun over 70 times.

So, this is what this book explains through story, and shows you how it means the age-gap between you and your loved-ones widens the faster you travel through space! I hope this explanation is useful. Please let me know if it has, through your comments etc — or even better, please download this book so you can enjoy it more.

This is all part of the Laws of Special Relativity, namely Time-dilation. Of which my latest Sci-Fi Romance is all about: Here is my Blurb:

Title: In Pursuit of Precious.
The Amazing Journey of
Whiz in his Fantastic Time-Space Elevator:

Whiz is an eighteen-year-old college student in his second-year of college – and since he is English, college means the British college which means pre-university not American college which means actual university; anyway, in the year below him there is a young lady – actually she is sixteen years old because she is the youngest in her year – whose name is Precious; yet, although the youngest, Whiz believes she is the prettiest; Whiz is besotted by everything about her – when he gets to know her more from a distance, he becomes so infatuated that he makes his move.

One day he spills his heart to her, but Precious, unfortunately, rebuffs his advances, citing what she feels is a “too much of an age-gap of two years between them”.

Discouraged but not beaten, Whiz turns to his passion of science to save the day. Whiz – being a scientist- albeit, a teenage scientist, he turns to science to find a way to bridge the two-year-age-gap between them. He knows that one of the Laws of Relativity – namely Time-dilation – if he can build a starship that can proceed at speeds which compete with the speed of light – at least going at 86% the speed of light – would cause the time on Earth – compared with his time in his starship – to go at 51% slower than Earth’s, so that would mean a one year journey in space would be equivalent to two years for Precious on Earth: which Whiz believes would cause Precious’ reason she rejected his advances to, hopefully, melt away!

Whiz is convinced he has found a way in science to bridge that age-gap by building his own space-time-elevator he calls Quantumvator – which is actually a quantum-elevator which doesn’t just go up and down but can go in any direction; and most excitingly, it can compete with the speed of light! He does this by purchasing three state-of-art laser-guns which he believes he can use to shoot a beam of protons into atoms, namely into their subatomic electrons and the atom’s nucleus, so he can extract their “quantum-superpowers”.

Find out if Whiz is successful or things go drastically wrong!!

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This is Whiz writing in his journal:

This is me – Dean Whiz, who my friends call me Whiz because I spend most of my time in my laboratory finding ways to extract the quantum “super-powers” from the atom in its subatom – so for me, IT’S NOT THE MIGHTY ATOM I AM PURSUING BUT THE MIGHTY SUBATOM!~

But why?

Because I am trying to utilise the quantum power of the speed of light – at least 86 % the speed of light in my first journey into space-time using a very special kind of elevator I have assembled which doesn’t just go up and down but in any direction I fancy! Dean Whiz is trying to complete the journey in just under 6 months. I am interested in what I call “quantum super-powers”, which the science world calls “quantum mechanics” because of the weird way those particles-waves in atoms and outside atoms move; inside an atom there are subatomic “quantum-superpowers”. I am convinced that within our atom those quantum “superpowers” could be utilised to reach speeds that can take us out of our Solar System and to visit other Solar Systems within our life-duration or within the 100 years which seems to be the ballpark number of years which many people expect to live to.

the author, Chris Briscoe.


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For All you Science Buffs who need more real science:

Whiz uses quantum technology to propel himself out of the Earth’s atmosphere and gravity; But in order to do that he has to escape the gravity of Earth i.e. the escape velocity of the Earth, and then he has to escape the gravity of the Sun, i.e. its escape-velocity, and then the escape-velocity of our galaxy called the Milky Way; but before that he uses the Sun’s gravity to accelerate his space-time elevator from 1 percent to ten percent the speed of light; Whiz will be using the gravity-pull of the Sun to accelerate his space-elevator to 10 % the speed of light. Then he must escape the Sun’s gravity to propel himself out of the Solar System, then out of our Milky Way’s gravity to explore our neighbouring galaxy called Andromeda and its nearest star to us which is Proxima Centauri; a red dwarf star located at 4.24 light years way, much closer than the third closest star to us which is Alpha Centauri at 4.36 light years away.

Whiz is trying to find ways of harnessing the power of the photon – i.e. the wave-particle which carries light because he believes that it could propel him past 1 percent the speed of light; if he could do that, then he would be breaking all records since the fastest vessel or spacecraft mankind has managed to launch so far, which is called “Parker Solar Probe” from NASA can go at a speed of 394,736 miles per hour which is 635,266 kilometers per hour – yet still relatively slow compared to the speed of light, since it is still less than 1 percent of light speed. A spaceship travelling at 20% of the speed of light would take 21.25 years to get there, assuming a very quick acceleration time. But Whiz is not building a spaceship but rather a starship! READ ALL ABOUT WHETHER HE’S SUCCESSFUL ON HIS MISSION, AND HIS MORE IMPORTANT MISSION TO BRIDGE THE PERCEIVED AGE-GAP BETWEEN PRECIOUS AND HIM, WHICH SHE HAS PLACED AS A BARRIER BETWEEN WHIZ AND ANY FUTURE ROMANCE!

I have just launched my latest Sc-Fi on Whiz, the Whiz Scientist journeying to Proxima Centauri attempting to reach 86 % the speed of light because you would need to go at that speed to cut your time in half.  Otherwise, it would take us normally at less than 1 % the speed of light millions of years to reach our neighbouring galaxy Andromeda to visit our nearest star and one of its Exoplanets, Proxima Centauri “b”. Whiz is attempting to visit the nearest star to us – apart from the Sun – called Proxima Centauri.

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