Whiz, the Whizz Scientist and his Amazing Journey in his Space-Time Elevator.

This is About My Latest Book, “Whiz’s Amazing Journey in his Space-Time Elevator:

In Pursuit of Precious”

A Romantic Science-Fiction:

Whiz is an eighteen-year-old college student in his second-year of college – and since he is English, college means the British college which means pre-university not American college which means actually university; anyway, in the year below him there is a young lady – actually she is sixteen years old because she is the youngest in her year – whose name is Precious; yet, although the youngest, Whiz believes she is the prettiest; Whiz is besotted by everything about her – when he gets to know her more from a distance, he becomes so infatuated that he makes his move.

One day he spills his heart to her, but Precious, unfortunately, rebuffs his advances, citing what she feels is a too big age-gap of two years between them.

Discouraged but not beaten, Whiz turns to his passion which is science to find a way to bridge that age-gap between them. Whiz knows that one of the Laws of Relativity – namely Time-dilation can slow his time down relative to Precious’ time; that if he can build a starship that can proceed at 86% the speed of light, it would cause the time on Earth – compared with his time in his starship – to go at 51% slower than Earth’s; so that would mean a one year journey in space would be equivalent to two years for Precious on Earth; which Whiz believes would cause Precious to think again.

Whiz is hopeful that this would cause Precious’ reason she rejected his advances to melt away! Whiz is convinced he has found a way in science to bridge that age-gap by building his own space-time-elevator he calls Quantumvator – which is actually a quantum-elevator which doesn’t just go up and down but can go in any direction; and most excitingly, it can compete with the speed of light! ; he does this by purchasing three state-of-art laser-guns which he believes he can use to shoot a beam of protons into atoms, namely into their subatomic electrons so he can extract what he calls, “their quantum-superpowers”.

This book is also jam-packed full of interesting but true science:

For example:
Do you know that you can slow your Time Down as you speed up ?  It’s called Time-Dilation.

It’s not Science-Fiction, it’s pure science — and there’s even an equation that goes with it,which is pretty simple,yet, profound because it could take you a lifetime thinking about the repercussions of such an equation:

Your Passage Through Space +

Your Passage Through Time =

The Speed of Light in a Vacuum.

And that word Vacuum, doesn’t complicate the equation — it just means when light moves through space unhindered by anything such as mass or the debris of space. Anyway,if you think about the above equation, it means whatever speed you are proceeding through space — including your common-garden snail. even at his pace, the hands on his watch — if he possessed a two-handed watch or clock—would still slow down more and more the faster he proceeded, including one millimeter per hour,and less;  but if his journey was all through space,and none through time, then he would be going at the speed of light, and his journey would be instantaneous since he would no longer experience time anymore — just as photons of light do not experience time, and their journey,therefore, is always instantaneous!

On the other hand, if that snail 🐌 was stationary, then, we can say that all his journey is now through time and none through space, until he starts to move — the second he moves, to compensate for that movement through space, his time begins to slow, because those two combined amounts of time and space must always equal the speed of light; they must always be in a state of equilibrium to the speed of light, so that’s why the faster you move through space, the slower your time moves.

Imagine if we journied to the nearest star apart from the Sun – called Proxima Centauri. So if we tried to accelerate to go at 99.9999999 % the speed of light.

I decide I will accelerate my Space-time elevator called Quantumvator’s speed so I bring her lever down to full throttle, and now I am almost reaching the Cosmic Speed Limit of the universe as now I am going at 99.9999999 % the speed of light; then after a half-an-hour journey at that rate, I jumped 40 years ahead of Earth’s time, thus when I returned home to Earth, after another thirty minutes, then, it means all Earthlings have aged forty years, while I have aged just one hour on my starship. At 99.999999% of light speed, I have aged 40 seconds per light year. Wow! Every 40 seconds in Quantumvator, meant one light year or meant that my loved-ones have now aged one year.

For everyone back on earth, a journey of 40 light years would take over 40 years, but for me, it has taken 1600 seconds, i.e. 26.6 minutes, less than half-an-hour. 

So, this is what this book explains through story, and shows you how it means the age-gap between you and your loved-ones widens the faster you  travel through space! I hope this explanation is useful. Please let me know if it has, through your comments etc — or even better, please download this book so you can enjoy it more.
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